Well most of the family made it back home today, Elizabeth is the exception. Elijah was pretty happy to have everyone back together, but not nearly as excited as our little dog who spent that past three days alone.
Amber is doing especailly well considering that she had to leave her 2 day old daughter in the hospital. And Elizabeth is doing okay as well. Believe it or not we are actually praying for her to poop. The only thing we are waiting for is her eating and pooping. As soon as all that gets started we should be able to take her home. They are very careful not to say when they think she might be ready to come home, just because they don't want us to get our hopes too high. But until then we'll just be enjoying our full nights of rest!
Also- Elizabeth is going to get her 15 min. of fame a little early. The Holland Sentinel is going to publish a story about her....... it's actually about her getting a free book from the library but still-- pretty neat.
Thanks agian to everyone
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
7 hours ago